Regtech & Suptech – Native-to-Native AML/CFT Name and Transaction Screening Assessment / Testing product
Regtech – Native-to-Native AML/CFT Name and Transaction Screening product
ESG Greentech – Native-to-Native ESG Risk, KYC for Green Finance (aka Green KYC) and Carbon Asset Development & Trading
Blended Native Language specificities from the East and West for AML control
Our team speaks English, Putonghua, Cantonese, Spanish, French and German
Over 20+ years of experience individually in
technology and financial institutions
Solid foundation of Native-to-Native patented technology can be extended from traditional Regtech to ESG and Greentech
Flexible solution architecture tailored to our customer’s needs
Solving long-standing industry painpoints of Chinese characters intricacy of AML/CFT controls for local and global Regtech adoption